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Educators: Come join us to exchange your ideas about curriculum and pedagogy. Make connections with audio professors from other countries and widen your perspective as an educator.
Who attends: Distinguished professors of Audio Technology from important academic programs throughout the Western Hemisphere and the developers who make the tools that they teach.
Professors who register for the Pan-American Audio Educators Conference will receive free admission to the 2025 Sound:check Xpo
The Pan American Audio Educators Conference will be co-located and run concurrently with the SOUND:CHECK XPO
Sound:Check Xpo is the leading event in Mexico and Latin America for tens of thousands professionals in the music and entertainment industries. Held annually at the World Trade Center in Mexico City, it provides a dynamic platform to showcase the latest innovations in audio, video, lighting, and stage production technology. Join this gathering of the audio engineering world and be part of a collective voice shaping the future of sound.
Critical Listening for Audio Educators Workshop
AI and Machine Learning in Audio Education
How are Educators Implementing Immersive Audio Into Program Curriculums?
The Partnership Between Educators and Developers: How Are We Working Together To Improve Education For Students?
Strategies for Student Engagement Across Cultural Boundaries
Live Sound: Are we preparing students for sustainable careers?
Live Performance Streaming: The Tiny Desk Effect on Education
Audio Archiving & Restoration
The conference will provide translation services from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English
Educators/Developers/Thought Leaders
contributing to our dialogue on Audio Education
Why be a sponsor?
The Pan American Audio Educators Conference provides an opportunity to connect with the professors who will incorporate your technology products into their program curriculums at universities across the Western Hemisphere. As students matriculate into academic audio technology programs around the globe, having yet to develop life-long brand loyalties, these professors become the most important influencers to determine technology choices. Nothing could be more important for the future success of your business!
Add your voice to the narrative. Come meet and strategize with the academic evangelists who are teaching your technologies.
For Sponsorship Information, Contact: johnkrivit@mac.com